By nashon 
Synopsis - my magazine will be about a action drama/comedy, the colours and bold font will signify this, it will appeal to all genders as a result of what it will consist it would appeal to ages 16+.

1.) What Gender are you?

- Male
- Female

2.) How old are you?

-16 to 18 years
- 18+ years

3.) What genre do you like the most?

- Horror
- Comedy
- Action
- Romance

4.) What kind of magazine title appeals to you the most?

Sans serif

5.) What is your favourite film? (why)


6. ) How often do you buy film magazines?

- Daily
- Weekly
- Monthly
- Never

7.) How often do you go cinema?

- Daily
- Weekly
- Monthly
- Never

8.) Would you prefer to read a magazine about specifically British films or other countries too?

- British
- Other countries

9.) What articles do you like to read about the most?

- Interviews
- Reviews
- Sneakpeeks

10) what platforms or electronic systems do you enjoy watching your films on 

11.) Do you prefer when there is  more writing or pictures in the film magazine?




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