
Showing posts from October, 2018

My film magazine idea draft

Write a first draft of your idea for a film magazine, which includes the following: An outline of your film magazine and its purpose Who will be your target audience look into production costs and where your film magazine would sell What will be the contents of your magazine. After this, I would like for your to write an article giving a sample of what would be in your magazine. Film magazine Purpose and outline  Introduction- My film magazine will be the best on the market, reason being its what everybody is looking for weather its regarding films genres to the fashion stars that are featured. My magazine will be film and tv based so series such as "Power" will have their own section to read on as power is the face of a big film platform Netflix other series will have features. We want to offer the best trending films as well as the latest this will mean accurate movie ratings so that if you come across the film you would know weather it is good o...
By nashon  Synopsis - my magazine will be about a action drama/comedy, the colours and bold font will signify this, it will appeal to all genders as a result of what it will consist it would appeal to ages 16+. 1.) What Gender are you? - Male - Female 2.) How old are you? -16 to 18 years - 18+ years 3.) What genre do you like the most? - Horror -Thriller - Comedy - Action - Romance 4.) What kind of magazine title appeals to you the most? Sans serif serif 5.) What is your favourite film? (why) ....................................................................................... 6. ) How often do you buy film magazines? - Daily - Weekly - Monthly - Never 7.) How often do you go cinema? - Daily - Weekly - Monthly - Never 8.) Would you prefer to read a magazine about specifically British films or other countries too? - British - Other countries 9.) What articles do you like ...